Profitable and Easy

Set up the gift wrapping station in a convenient location, like a local school, church, or community center. Odds are that each student knows at least three or four family members and friends who would love to outsource their yearly gift wrapping. Best of all, this mini workshop is inexpensive to run and easy to promote. You can jump in on a current trend making the rounds, or brainstorm a fresh idea. While peer-to-peer fundraising is a great fundraising technique for a variety of nonprofit organizations, it lends itself particularly well to medical research fundraising. There are tons of companies out there that can produce and ship the t-shirts to your supporters.
They’re fun, engaging, and provide your attendees with plenty of opportunity to win. If planned correctly and promoted right, raffle baskets can be a driving force behind your revenue numbers. While this basket is aimed for teachers, students and parents can also bid on the teacher’s pet basket to gift as a thank-you or random act of kindness. This one is perfect for schools with mild climates where kids are outdoors a lot.
Create a Facebook page for the school if you haven’t got one already, and start promoting your donation requests. In addition, you can send a note home with each student and ask them to spread the word. The great thing about social media is how quickly word can spread.
There’s a good reason why stadiums sell naming rights and jumbotrons are filled will sponsors. The relationship between sports teams/athletes and business is tried and true and that goes all the way down to local sports and mom & pop businesses. If you are lucky enough to live in NY, NJ, GA or FL, then you may be close to a participating Applebee’s to host a FlapJack Fundraiser.
However we do offer a couple of fundraisers that are designed strictly for Christian and faith-based groups such as our Journey of Faith Candle Fundraiser. But do not be afraid of cookie dough fundraisers or even candy fundraisers. Did you know cookie dough fundraisers are one of the absolute favorite fundraising products for just about every imaginable group? We offer tubs and preformed frozen cookie dough, dry cookie dough mix and a program where tubs of cookie dough are actually shipped directly to your customer. Click here to visit our Cookie Dough Fundraising Ideas overview for details on all of our programs. And of course, our friendly staff here at specializes in fund-raising consulting.
From a mom prom to a zombie prom we have something for everyone. Our nonprofit fundraising ideas work very well for Parent Teacher Organizations like yours. School fundraisers, in particular, raise funds to ensure that programs and resources can be provided for students struggling to survive in the typical school environment. Restaurant fundraisers are an excellent opportunity to raise funds while families and the community come together for a social event eating delicious food! Your school needs to join forces with a local restaurant that agrees to host your fundraiser for a day.
Invest in the arts at your school by creating a silent auction event, with each item made by students themselves. Students will contribute paintings, drawings, wood carvings, knitting projects, and other items made in school to be purchased by supporters. Here are our top three fundraising products for youth golf teams. We will share some of the most popular kids golf fundraisers that sports teams are having success with.
The digital counterpart of the ‘envelope fundraiser’, this Christmas fundraising idea is simple and effective. Ask your audience members to donate a corresponding amount online. For example, $1 on December 1st, $15 on December 15th, and so on. Since you are organizing the fundraiser in a school environment, try to keep the food as healthy as possible. This means no deep-frying, minimal oil, and a focus on vegetables and fruit.
You won’t have to pay any money upfront, they will fulfill the orders for the sale of cookie dough, and you get to keep the majority of the profits. Give customized catalogs of the various products for sale, or host the sale online. This idea takes very little work, and you can raise money for your school in a fun way. If you are raising money for a sports team, an event that focuses on that sport should be an obvious fundraiser. Your basketball team can show off their skills in a contest judged by business leaders or school staff.
organizations that donate to nonprofits are easy to make and won’t need much kitchen space. These high school fundraising ideas don’t have to be the “typical” event. Spice things up with live music, host fundraising raffles, and sell drinks to get the most out of the event. A well-planned fundraising strategy creates excitement and pride for the school and gets the community to play a more active role in the student’s education.